JUULs and Vapes: Harder to Spot. Harder to Stop.

With high levels of nicotine and even higher possibilities of addiction, cigars, cigarillos, hookah, e-cigarettes, vape pens, JUULs and other vapor products pose incredible dangers to kids. Another dangerous detail? How harmless they all look. Tobacco companies are ramping up their profits by attracting youth through sleek and discreet product designs, colorful packaging and sweet, fruity flavors.

Just take a look at a few of the products below.

They mimic pens, highlighters, candy, cereal, snacks… tobacco companies show no shame in their deceptive efforts to entice and addict children. That’s because Big Tobacco knows their victims better than they knows themselves. Kids are still developing the brain structures that control:

Exposing the developing brain to nicotine physically changes the brain. That’s why the younger someone starts to smoke, the more addicted they get… and the harder it is to stop.

By familiarizing yourself with the packaging, flavors and designs of tobacco and vaping products — and the deceptive tactics the tobacco industry is deploying — you can educate, protect and help your children be tobacco free.

To learn more about vaping — and the products, buzzwords and warning signs that go with it — click here.

For tips on talking to your kids about vaping and flavored tobacco, click here. Plus, check out StopsWithMe.com for more even helpful tips and information.

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