3 Reasons for Smokefree Bars in Oklahoma
Oklahoma is one of only a few states that still permits smoking in bars and clubs.
We can’t let Oklahoma fall behind in setting measures to protect its residents from secondhand smoke, which contains hundreds of toxic chemicals, including 70 that cause cancer. At bars and clubs, these contaminants accumulate in confined spaces and cling to seating, décor and walls, making for an even more toxic environment.
What are the benefits behind going smokefree? Easy. Here are 3 reasons:
1. Better for Everyone.
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Even just 30 minutes of exposure to secondhand smoke can cause heart damage similar to that of an everyday smoker.
The majority of Oklahomans recognize secondhand smoke as a major health hazard. Many are seeking out bars that voluntarily prohibit smoking to enjoy a safer night out.
2. Better for Employees.
Unfortunately, not everyone in Oklahoma is able to earn a paycheck without paying the price of their health. Our fellow Oklahomans who work at bars and clubs where smoking is allowed are exposed to secondhand smoke every day when they work. This is harmful and unsafe.
Employees who are exposed to secondhand smoke in the workplace are 20-30% more likely to get lung cancer. The longer the exposure, the higher the risk.
3. Better for Businesses.
According to the World Health Organization, “The evidence clearly demonstrates that smoke-free policies do not cause adverse economic outcomes for businesses, including restaurants and bars. In fact, smoke-free policies often have a positive economic impact on businesses.”
A healthier workforce means reduced healthcare costs and absenteeism, increased productivity and morale, more profitability and a better work environment.
It’s time Oklahoma finally catches up by eliminating smoking in bars and clubs. Show your support for stronger tobacco policies and 100% tobacco-free environments. Visit StopsWithMe.com to stay informed and get involved.