Tobacco in Your Community
Tobacco-free spaces are springing up across Oklahoma. Learn about places where tobacco use is prohibited and get ideas for implementing your own tobacco-free policy.
Educational Facilities
Young people are more likely to use tobacco if it seems acceptable among peers, educators and staff. Tobacco-free campuses protect young people from the dangers of tobacco while reducing the chances they’ll get hooked. In Oklahoma, all publicly funded schools, colleges and universities are 100% tobacco free by law.
State Property
Oklahoma law requires state, county and city buildings to be smokefree. This includes doorways, porches and outdoor foyers. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of any entrance or exit of the building. Only one smoking room may be permitted in each building. It must be separately ventilated, and no public business can be done in a smoking room.
Faith-Based Organizations
Faith-based organizations promote healthy beliefs and positive behaviors. Establishing tobacco-free policies in a faith-based organization can help nurture this vision. A tobacco-free property clears the air of secondhand smoke and supports congregation members who are trying to quit.
Looking to develop a tobacco-free wellness plan for your congregation? Download our editable policy development guide.
Local Organizations
Local organizations, societies and clubs play a valuable role in preventing tobacco use. They can establish tobacco-free policies at the places they gather and provide cessation resources for members trying to quit.