Total Health & Lost Productivity Cost:
Number of smokers x $5,816 = <%fieldname35_value%>
Total Absenteeism Cost:
Number of smokers x $517 = <%fieldname34_value%>
The Benefits of Being a Tobacco-Free Business
Being a tobacco-free workplace doesn’t just save you money. It shows your commitment to your employees and your customers. Here are 4 other ways a tobacco-free workplace can have a positive impact.
- You’re protecting your employees’ health.
Since more than 75% of Oklahomans do not smoke, a smokefree workplace protects them from secondhand smoke and makes for a healthier environment overall. - You’re increasing productivity and morale.
Employees who take four 10-minute smoke breaks a day work one month less per year than workers who don’t. This, along with exposure to secondhand smoke, can negatively impact morale of nonsmoking employees. - You’re reducing absenteeism.
On average, smokers miss 6.2 days of work per year due to illness compared to nonsmokers who miss only 3.9 days. - You’re protecting yourself from liability.
By making your workplace property smokefree, you reduce disability claims and the risk of lawsuits filed by nonsmokers who become ill from exposure to secondhand smoke. Plus, you avoid violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by limiting access to people with respiratory problems who cannot patronize or work in your business due to tobacco smoke pollution.
The bottom line? Being a tobacco-free business adds up.
Ready to take the next steps?
Explore other ways to make your business tobacco free at StopsWithMe.com.
Employees interested in quitting? Refer them to the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline for FREE services, nonjudgmental support and quit coaching. Promotional materials for employers looking to help their employees quit tobacco are available for order and download.