Get To Know Tobacco Stops With Me

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Tobacco Stops With Me is a statewide effort that provides an efficient, emotional and highly recognizable tobacco-free message for Oklahomans to rally around. Our goal is to prevent and reduce tobacco use and improve the health and quality of life of every Oklahoman through policy change and health initiatives.

Tobacco Stops With Me is funded through the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET). Here’s how our funding works.

The History of TSET

The History of TSET

In 1996, Oklahoma’s Attorney General filed a lawsuit against Big Tobacco for predatory marketing and efforts to normalize smoking. By 1998, 45 other states had filed similar lawsuits, and four of the largest tobacco companies agreed to negotiate a national settlement, the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA). As part of the MSA, the tobacco industry was forced to end its efforts targeting youth — banning the use of cartoons, outdoor advertising and tobacco product sampling.

The Master Settlement Agreement also requires the tobacco industry to pay states annually as long as cigarettes are sold nationally. In 2000, Oklahoma became the first state to constitutionally protect its MSA funds and put the money toward public health.

How Does TSET Use the Funds?

How Does TSET Use the Funds?

75% of each annual payment is put into the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust. Only the earnings are used each year to provide grants, programs and healthy initiatives. This preserves the fund for generations to come. The remaining 25% is split between the legislature and the Attorney General’s office.

Every initiative supported by TSET is rooted in evidence-based strategies aimed at tackling Oklahoma’s biggest health challenges. We’re talking about cancer and cardiovascular disease—the leading causes of preventable death in our state. From promoting healthy eating to encouraging physical activity and advocating for tobacco-free lifestyles, each program is a powerful tool in our arsenal.

How Does Tobacco Stops With Me Contribute to TSET’s Mission?

How Does Tobacco Stops With Me Contribute to TSET’s Mission?

Tobacco Stops With Me focuses on education and policy change. We aim to equip parents, teachers, community leaders and Oklahomans who value breathing clean air with the proper knowledge and resources to create change at the local and state levels. By raising awareness of Big Tobacco’s malicious schemes and products, we’re helping all Oklahomans work toward healthier communities.

Additionally, Tobacco Stops With Me provides free educational materials on the harmful effects of tobacco. We also have resources for parents on how to talk with kids about tobacco and nicotine products. Our goal is to level the playing field with Big Tobacco through thoughtful education across our entire state.

For additional services such as tobacco cessation, healthy living resources and youth-specific support, check out TSET’s other brands: Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, Shape Your Future and the TSET Healthy Youth Initiative.

Published by Tobacco Stops With Me on March 15, 2024