Stop tobacco use before it starts.

In a kid’s world, peer pressure to use tobacco isn’t the only thing parents should be worried about. There’s a much more sinister and subtle influence at work — the tobacco industry itself.

For decades, Big Tobacco has been targeting kids in order to recruit new smokers. Why do they do this? They need to replace the people who die, since more than half of all smokers die from smoking-related diseases.

But you know whose influence is even stronger? Yours. Actively talking with your kids about tobacco can make a bigger impression than Big Tobacco ever could.

Click below for age-specific tips to get the conversation started.

Ages 5-10

Right Arrow

Ages 11-14

Right Arrow

Ages 15-18

Right Arrow

Want to do more? Take action to make Oklahoma tobacco free.


Want to join the cause for stronger tobacco policies but aren’t sure where to start? Show your support by filling out the form to add your pin to the map, and learn how you can take an active role in your own community.


Stay up to date on tobacco control issues in Oklahoma. Sign up to receive our newsletter to monitor policy progress and learn about opportunities for action in your community.

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If you or a loved one is trying to quit tobacco, the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline is here to help. Get free text and email support, free patches, gum or lozenges and lots more to help all Oklahomans become tobacco free.

Get involved with others in your community. Contact your local TSET Healthy Living Program grantee for more information.


Want to learn more about the Stop the Start campaign? Campaign materials are available to help share the Stop the Start message.