Tobacco Regulations by State: How Does Oklahoma Stack Up?
With incomplete policies protecting Oklahomans from secondhand smoke, it’s up to you to protect yourself and your family. Here are four things you need to know to protect yourself and your family from secondhand smoke:
1. Oklahoma doesn’t have 100% smokefree policies.
100% smokefree policies prohibit smoking in worksites, restaurants and bars — three major sources of secondhand smoke exposure. Over half the country has comprehensive smokefree policies on the books, and those states are already seeing the benefits. Until Oklahoma follows suit, our health issues and mortality rates will continue to climb, and our loved ones exposed to secondhand smoke while working will continue to be in danger.
Show your support for comprehensive smokefree policies below.
2. Children are the most vulnerable to secondhand smoke.
For infants and young children, secondhand smoke is particularly dangerous. Their developing lungs and brains are especially vulnerable to its harmful chemicals. Exposure leaves children at great risk for serious health issues like respiratory illness, ear infections, asthma, SIDS and cancer.
Until Oklahoma steps up, make sure kids are never exposed to any amount of secondhand smoke. Plus, show your support for stronger tobacco policies below.
3. Smoking in cars is the worst.
Neighboring states have passed policies that make it illegal to smoke in cars while children are present. Oklahoma has no such laws. Smoking in cars generates highly concentrated levels of secondhand smoke, which contains more than 7,000 chemicals, 70 of which are known to cause cancer. Even with the windows cracked or rolled down, toxin and carbon monoxide levels are still dangerously high. A smokefree vehicle policy would help protect children and passengers from this intense exposure.
Make it your personal policy to keep your car 100% smokefree.Plus, keep tabs on Oklahoma’s tobacco control policies by signing up for email updates below.
4. Adults aren’t immune to secondhand smoke.
It doesn’t matter how old you are — everything bad you’ve ever heard about secondhand smoke applies to adults too. That’s why it’s important to protect yourself. It becomes harder and harder to ignore the secondhand smoke danger in places where smoking is still allowed — like Oklahoma’s clubs and bars. Even 30 minutes of exposure to secondhand smoke can cause heart damage similar to that of an everyday smoker. Try to avoid all places where smoking is permitted.
Support businesses that voluntarily prohibit smoking.To find clubs and bars that are 100% smokefree, click here. To stay informed and get involved, click below.
Oklahoma may be becoming healthier, but there is still room for improvement when it comes to tobacco control policies. Together, we can work to protect our families from the dangers of secondhand smoke. Discover more ways Oklahoma can take action here.
Want to learn more about the Stacks Up campaign? Campaign materials are available to help share the Stacks Up message.