World No Tobacco Day
Our kids will inherit the world. Let’s make it a world without tobacco.
Imagine a future without tobacco. A world where everyone was safe from secondhand smoke. A place where Big Tobacco stopped preying on our kids. A planet where millions escaped death and disease.
That world begins now.
Talk to your kids about the dangers of tobacco. As caring adults, we can give them the tools to make healthy choices. Tobacco won’t stop until kids never start.
The younger kids are when they start using tobacco, the more likely they are to become heavily addicted. Roughly one-third of youth smokers will die prematurely from smoking-related diseases.
Think your kids aren’t listening? Even if they don’t show it, research proves that your children are strongly influenced by your opinions and actions.
Talk to your kids.
Click below for age-specific tips to talk to your kids about tobacco.

Ages 5-10

Ages 11-14

Ages 15-18
Protect Their Health. And Yours.
Children of smokers are more likely to smoke and to become heavy smokers. Avoid using tobacco around your children, or even better, get help quitting.
If you or someone you know is thinking about quitting tobacco, learn about FREE services from the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline. Free, nonjudgmental help is available. To learn more, visit or call 1-800-QUIT NOW.