A Glimpse Of Evil:
How Big Tobacco Targets Americans

In 2006, Big Tobacco was found guilty by a U.S. District Court of civil racketeering, lying about the dangers of their products and illegal marketing practices. Part of this push for profit includes the targeting of minorities and marginalized communities, leaving behind an unprecedented wake of addiction, disease and death.

Featured below are documented quotes from marketing plans carried out by the tobacco industry. Can you figure out who they’re targeting?

Note: These quotes are shockingly devoid of moral reasoning. They are 100% true and come directly from Big Tobacco.


Hear it in their own words…

Do you know who they’re targeting? Submit your answers below.

1 “It’s a well known fact that ________ like sweet products.” – Brown and Williamson

Women Teenagers Military Members

2 “We don’t smoke that $#@%. We reserve the right to smoke for the young, the poor, the _________ and the stupid.” – R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

Black Military Women

3 “There isn’t a market in the country that has the sales potential for Newport like the _________ market. The plums are here to be plucked.” – Lorillard Tobacco Company

Youth Female Military

4 “Younger adult smokers are strategically important to RJR’s long-term growth … Specifically, these young adult ________…” – R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

Males Females

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With today’s stringent tobacco marketing laws, the industry has developed new ways to push their product — especially towards minorities. Whether it’s women, children, African Americans or a host of other marginalized groups, the tobacco industry has a marketing plan to suit them all.

Big Tobacco puts profits over people. Had enough?
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Big Tobacco in their own words.
Watch this series to see what else the tobacco industry had to say about these communities. These are REAL quotes from Big Tobacco.