100% Clean Indoor Air
A fresh idea for a healthier future.
The benefits of 100% smokefree indoor places are clear, and an overwhelming majority of Oklahomans realize this. So what can you do about it? More than you think.
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Clearing the Air
In Oklahoma, exposure to secondhand smoke continues to be a serious health problem. One significant reason is that Oklahoma does not have a comprehensive smokefree policy.
Right now, it’s still legal to smoke in Oklahoma hotels, bars and even in-home daycares when children aren’t present.
Unfortunately, we’re one of the only states without ANY 100% smokefree policies protecting people in these environments.
Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of toxic chemicals, including 70 known to cause cancer. It also puts employees at elevated deadly risks of heart disease, respiratory diseases and countless other illnesses. At bars and clubs, where numerous people are smoking in the same vicinity, these contaminants amplify, making for an even more toxic environment.
The simplest, cheapest and most effective way to protect people from secondhand smoke is through 100% clean indoor air policies.
Economic Benefits
Some business owners may fear lost income from becoming smokefree. However, using sales tax data and other objective criteria, numerous studies have found no adverse effects from going smokefree. There has even been a tendency for smokefree mandates to increase business.
Plus, a healthier environment means a healthier workforce — with reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs.

Proof It Works
Other states that have enacted 100% clean indoor air policies have seen these health and economic benefitsfirsthand.
In Washington state, 2 years after a comprehensive state smokefree law took effect, an analysis of statewide retail sales data found that sales revenues for bars and taverns were $105.5 million higher than expected.
In Oklahoma, 77% of people favor a law making all public places smokefree.
In 2010, North Carolina passed a smokefree restaurants and bars law. During the first year after the law was implemented, the average number of weekly emergency room visits for heart attacks dropped 21%.
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